Gianmario Verona

Gianmario Verona


Rector of Bocconi University, I’m a Professor of Management with a special interest in strategic management of technology and innovation. Over the years, I’ve collaborated both with Global500 companies and newly founded startups on matters of applied research. Author of 70+ academic articles and 5 books, I’ve been a Visiting Professor at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and a Visiting Scholar at MIT. Before being appointed Rector, I served Bocconi as Dean of the Faculty, Director of the MBA program, and Director of the PhD in Business Administration. 




L' accelerazione delle imprese ha un nuovo nome: B4i, Bocconi for Innovation

La Bocconi diventa un grande hub di servizi e supporto per le attività imprenditoriali e di stimolo a tutto l’ecosistema delle imprese. Il Rettore, Gianmario Verona, ha annunciato oggi, in occasione dell’inaugurazione dell’anno accademico, la nascita di Bocconi for Innovation (B4i), la nuova piattaforma che avrà il triplice ruolo di pre-accelerat...


Con una nuova laurea triennale, la Bocconi insegna i metodi per l'intelligenza artificiale

Con l’esplosione della quantità di dati a disposizione di studiosi e professionisti, la moderna intelligenza artificiale (che, attraverso algoritmi sofisticati, estrae informazioni complesse da grandi quantità di dati) pervade ogni disciplina scientifica e molti campi professionali utilizzando strumenti che evolvono, progrediscono e cambiano a forte velocit&...


With a New Bachelor, Bocconi Teaches the Methodology Behind Artificial Intelligence

With the explosion of the amount of data available to scholars and professionals, modern artificial intelligence (which, through sophisticated algorithms, extracts complex information from large amounts of data), pervades every scientific discipline and many professional fields using tools that evolve, progress and change at high speed.


Business Acceleration Has a New Name: Bocconi for Innovation

With the creation of Bocconi for Innovation (B4i), Bocconi is now an important hub of services and support for entrepreneurial activities and a catalyst for the entire business ecosystem. Rector Gianmario Verona announced today the establishment of Bocconi for Innovation (B4i). This new platform will have the triple role of pre-accelerator, business accelerator and a place for ...
