Amazon Italia
Amazon | Prime Day 2016: i dati a livello mondiale
Amazon ha annunciato oggi che il Prime Day 2016 è stato a livello globale la giornata con il numero più alto di vendite di sempre, sorpassando il Prime Day 2015 con il 60% di vendite in più.
Prime Day è stato inoltre il giorno in cui sono stati venduti più device a livello mondiale, segnando un nuovo record per ogni categoria di dispositivo, dalle Fire TV ai tablet Fire, dagli e-reader Kindle ai device supportati da Alexa.
In particolare, sono stati venduti in tutto il mondo:
più di due milioni di giocattoli e più di un milione di paia di scarpe
più di 90.000 televisori
centinaia di migliaia di e-reader Kindle
Altri dati significativi:
gli ordini effettuati dai clienti Prime attraverso l’app Amazon sono stati più del doppio di quelli di Prime Day 2015
più di un milione di clienti hanno usato l’app Amazon per la prima volta per acquistare o osservare un'offerta
“Prime è già di per sé il miglior servizio nella storia dello shopping e dopo questo grande successo Prime Day si aggiunge ai vantaggi dei clienti Prime” ha commentato Greg Greeley, Vice President Amazon Prime. “Vogliamo ringraziare le decine di milioni di abbonati Prime nel mondo per aver reso questo giorno il più grande nella storia di Amazon. Speriamo vi siate divertiti quanto noi. Dopo i risultati di ieri, indubbiamente ripeteremo questa esperienza.”
Prime Day 2016 è stata la giornata con le vendite più elevate di sempre anche per più di 750 mila prodotti ordinati. Il picco della vendite durante il Prime Day è stato alle 14 con una media di 22 articoli ordinati al secondo. Qui tutte le informazioni per l'Italia.
Di seguito, nel comunicato, sono disponibili ulteriori informazioni.
Amazon’s Prime Day is the Biggest Day Ever
Biggest day ever for Amazon devices globally - record Prime Day for each Amazon device category including Fire TV, Fire tablets and Kindle e-readers.
Small businesses and sellers on Amazon offering deals to Prime members saw orders nearly triple year-over-year on Prime Day – both worldwide and in the U.S.
SEATTLE – (BUSINESS WIRE) – July 13, 2016 – (NASDAQ:AMZN) – The second annual Prime Day was the biggest day ever for Amazon. Amazon today announced customer orders surpassed Prime Day 2015 by more than 60% worldwide and more than 50% in the U.S. It was also the biggest day ever for Amazon devices globally and record Prime Day for each Amazon device category including Fire TV, Fire tablets and Kindle e-readers. Prime Day was a great savings day too – members globally saved more than double on deals over Prime Day 2015.
“Prime itself is the best deal in the history of shopping, and Prime Day was created as a special benefit exclusively for our Prime members,” said Greg Greeley, Vice President, Amazon Prime. “We want to thank our tens of millions of members around the world for making this the biggest day in the history of Amazon. We hope you had as much fun as we did. After yesterday’s results, we’ll definitely be doing this again.”
Prime Day 2016 highlights globally:
- More than two million toys and more than one million pairs of shoes were purchased by customers on Prime Day 2016.
- More than 90,000 TVs were purchased on Prime Day 2016.
- Hundreds of thousands of Kindle e-readers sold on Prime Day.
- Prime member orders on the Amazon app surpassed Prime Day 2015 mobile app orders by more than 2x.
- More than a million customers used the Amazon app for the first time on Prime Day to shop and to watch-a-deal.
- The Prime Photos sweepstakes had two million submissions worldwide during the lead-up to Prime Day, the winner will be randomly selected on or about July 14.
Prime Day 2016 highlights from the U.S.:
- Amazon devices were up over 3x compared to Prime Day last year.
- Biggest day ever for Amazon Echo – up over 2.5x compared to previous record day.
- The most popular Amazon Dash Button brands purchased on Prime Day were Cascade, Charmin and Tide.
- Members purchased over 215,000 Instant Pot 7-in-1 Multi-Functional Pressure Cookers.
- Members purchased over 200,000 headphones.
- Members purchased over 24,000 Double Hammocks by Vivere.
- Members purchased over 23,000 iRobot Roomba 614 Vacuum Cleaning Robots.
- Members purchased over 14,000 Lenovo laptops.
- Members purchased on average one Alexa-exclusive deal per second during Prime Day using their voice.
- Prime members had exclusive access to deals on top rated TV series and blockbuster movies to rent or purchase and instantly stream on the Amazon Video app on TVs, mobile devices, Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Stick, and Fire tablets, or online – the top three Prime Day deal titles purchased or rented were: Deadpool, Kung Fu Panda 3 and 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
- Customers saved over $1 million on Kindle Unlimited memberships on Prime Day and the Prime Day Lead-up Deal on July 5.
- The most selected Audible audiobook on Prime Day was A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1.
Other top sellers around the world, excluding Amazon devices were:
- S.: Instant Pot 7-in-1 Multi-Functional Pressure Cooker
- UK: Oral-B Pro 6000 CrossAction Electric Toothbrush with Bluetooth Connectivity and Smart Series
- Spain: SanDisk USB memory stick
- Japan: Calbee Breakfast Cereal 800 grams
- Italy: Lexar JumpDrive
- Germany and Austria: Tefal Jamie Oliver Frying Pan
- France and Belgium: Game of Thrones DVD – season 1 to 4
- Canada: Sennheiser HD 598 Special-Edition Over-Ear Headphones
Prime Day was another record-breaking success for the sellers and small businesses worldwide participating in the event. Small businesses and sellers on Amazon offering deals to Prime members saw orders nearly triple year-over-year on Prime Day – both worldwide and in the U.S. Feedback from sellers includes:
- “On Prime Day we had one of the largest sales days in our company’s 108 year history. Prime Day is a win for sellers and customers.” – Larry Frankel, Director of Business Development, Huppins/OneCall
- “Prime Day was our biggest day of the year! We more than quadrupled the number of sales from our previous biggest sales day.” – Emily Wilcox, Founder, Fayebeline
- “We offered customers our best products at great deals and they responded in a big way. Prime Day helped us reach our highest sales day ever.” – Dovi Brafman, CEO of Sharkk
- “On Prime Day we offered customers a great deal for the Nikon D3300 camera and the deal sold out within the first hour!” – Elazar Klein, Merchandising Director, Ritz Camera
- “We are absolutely thrilled. Gaining access to millions of Prime members on Prime Day was a huge win for us.” – Brian Buccella, Vice President of Marketing at Segway
- “Prime Day introduced Cielo to countless new customers and increased my daily sales 1000% in a single day!” – Christine Boerner, Founder, Cielo Pill Holders
- “On Prime Day this year Etekcity experienced unprecedented growth not just in the U.S. but globally through Fulfillment by Amazon.” – James Li, Director of Marketing, Etekcity
- “Amazon gives small businesses an amazing opportunity to get in front of a new audience with Prime Day. Prime Day was our biggest sales day of the year!” – Bridget Hilton, founder, LSTN Sound Co.
Altre informazioni su Prime
Amazon Prime è la migliore opportunità nella storia dello shopping. Decine di milioni di clienti Prime nel mondo usufruiscono già dei vantaggi dell’iscrizione a Prime. I clienti Prime in Italia possono già usufruire di spedizioni illimitate e senza costi aggiuntivi in 1 giorno su oltre un milione di prodotti in oltre 6000 comuni e di spedizioni in 2 o 3 giorni su altri milioni di prodotti. Grazie a Prime Now, i clienti Prime di Milano e hinterland possono acquistare decine di migliaia di prodotti e riceverli con consegne in un’ora o all’interno di finestre di due ore. In aggiunta alle spedizioni veloci e senza costi aggiuntivi, i clienti Prime possono beneficiare di spazio di archiviazione illimitato e sicuro per le foto con Prime Foto e dell’accesso in anteprima alle Offerte Lampo di Amazon e alle offerte di Amazon BuyVIP.
L’abbonamento ad Amazon Prime è disponibile per 19,99 euro all’anno e comprende un periodo iniziale gratuito di 30 giorni per i nuovi iscritti. I clienti possono iscriversi al link
Amazon è guidata da quattro principi: ossessione per il cliente piuttosto che attenzione verso la concorrenza, passione per l’innovazione, impegno per un’eccellenza operativa e visione a lungo termine. Le recensioni dei clienti, lo shopping 1-Click, le raccomandazioni personalizzate, Prime, Logistica di Amazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, i tablet Fire, Fire TV, Amazon Echo e Alexa sono alcuni dei prodotti e dei servizi introdotti da Amazon.
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Uploaded on 13/07/2016
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