StartupItalia Open Summit



#SIOS19: an event focused on the Italian startup ecosystem, with the presentation of the results of the 1st edition of the Italian Government Global StartUP Program and the launch of the 2nd edition, involving more than 150 startups from 10 countries (US, UK, France, Germany, Argentina, Israel, Japan, Korea, Arab Emirates and India). The next edition will anticipate the creation in 2020 of an Italian permanent outpost in Silicon Valley, after the roadshow of the first edition, which has already landed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago. 

The event will also include the presentation of the complete report on investments in startups in Italy and Europe in 2019; the first meeting of the European Blockchain Partnership; the presentation of a number of studies and reports about the role of women in Research & Development and STEM-related roles in industry; the presentation of FNI (National Innovation Fund), and the program for the internationalization of Italian startups by ITA Agency, in collaboration with the Ministry for Economic development (MISE).


Monday, December 16 | 9 am – 7.15 pm | #SIOS19 

Università Bocconi
Via Guglielmo Röntgen 1, 20136 - Milan

 To sign up and get further information, click here


December, 11 - December 16 will mark the return of StartupItalia Open Summit, for the first time in collaboration with Università Bocconi. Inside a 645+ thousand square feet campus, before the Dean Gianmario Verona, and with David Casalini, Paolo Barberis, Marco Montemagno and more than 200 Italian and international guests and 1,000 startups, we will outline the future we choose to imagine.

Over 15,000 people are expected to attend SIOS19 to listen to over 200 Italian and international speakers (50% of which are women) included in the agenda of the event organized - just as in previous years - by Giampaolo Colletti, in a new space featuring a surface measuring 645,000+ square feet, supplied by one of the most influential Italian universities: Università Bocconi. Also, 20+ vertical workshops will take place in the wonderful halls of the Velodromo in Via Sarfatti, Milan. These are the numbers of the winter edition of the 2019 Startup Open Summit, which is titled “Signals from the Future”.

A whole day dedicated to the “Right to Innovation” as defined by the Minister of Technological and Digital Innovation Paola Pisano who, a few months after being appointed, will explain to the audience her approach and the results achieved during the first 100 days of her term. The audience will include more than 1,000 startups from all over Italy, operating in the following specialized industries: digital, life sciences, health, fintech & insurtech, blockchain, AI, social impact, IoT, food, agritech, tourism, culture. 

The event includes workshops, seminars and interactive sessions on highly relevant themes, featuring the best investors, experts and innovators from Italy and abroad. Studies with the latest data on the startup ecosystem in Italy and Europe, the blockchain, the role of women in the Research & Development and STEM industries, the latest news in the world of innovation, the future of work between technology and social responsibility will be discussed on the main stage or during one of the event's side sessions.

Professor Stefano De Nicolai, Director of the Emba Ticinensis Master’s Degree Program at Università di Pavia, will present a study on the role and penetration of Chief Digital Officers in Italy. Unstoppable Women with Anna Chiara Gaudenzi and Chiara Trombetta will grab the spotlight with a #Bootstrap on female empowerment aimed at the creation of a growth-oriented network with mentors from leading companies who will make themselves available to young women, offering them practical advice and helping them emerge in their professional life.

This edition will feature a novelty: the StartupItalia Village, an area where present and future are going to collide: an exhibition area where startups will present their business ideas and products, as they search for opportunities to transform the market and our future lifestyle with the help of thousands of investors attending the event. A booth in the Village will host ITA Agency, which will present to the public their activities in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MISE).

SIOS19 will also host the first meeting of the European Blockchain Partnership, the final act of the 1st edition of the Global StartUP Program and the presentation of its 2nd edition, along with the Italian Government program for startup internationalization, which will anticipate the creation in 2020 of an Italian permanent outpost in Silicon Valley, in the presence of ITA Agency President Carlo Maria Ferro, MISE Innovation Advisor Marco Bellezza, Roberto Luongo general director ITA Agency, Claudio Pasqualucci Coordinator of innovation and Startup Department ITA.

Personalities on stage: 
Many high-profile guests will step onto the #SIOS19 stage: David Casalini (Founder - StartupItalia), Paolo Barberis (Founder - Nana Bianca), Marco Montemagno (Founder - @4books, Slashers), Roberta Cocco (Digital Transformation and Civic Services Councilor of the Milan municipality), Luca Colombo (Country Director - Facebook Italia), Gianmario Verona (Dean - Università Bocconi), Carlo Ferro (President - ICE), Marco Bellezza (Legal advisor for Communication and Innovation – MISE), Fabio Spoletini (Country Manager - Oracle Italy), Vittorio Colao (Special Advisor - General Atlantic), Massimiliano Dragoni (European Commission), Carlo Cottarelli (Director - Osservatorio sui Conti Pubblici Italiani), Filippo Magnini (Olympic medalist), Corrado Passera (CEO - Illimity Bank), Angelo Coletta (President - Italia Startup), Marinagela Pira (journalist - SkyTg24), Lucia Scopelliti (Head of the Economic Planning Unit – Milan municipality), Selene Biffi (entrepreneur), Virginia Stagni (Business Development Manager - Financial Times) and the most relevant writers and journalists from the startup & economics ecosystem.

What You Cannot Miss:

  • The presentation of the 2019 Chief Innovation Officers study by Università di Pavia
    Who are the “Chief Innovation Officers” (CInO)? What exactly is their job? Are they inventors, innovation architects, or perhaps... “pirates”? Are they a fad or a key success factor for companies? The first Italian study on the subject, jointly carried out by Università di Pavia and StartupItalia, seeks to answer these and other questions regarding the role, penetration and strategic relevance of these executives featuring the highest-level responsibility for the innovative processes of businesses. After the first preliminary results based on public data, published in September 2019, this second phase of the study offers a more in-depth look at the background, the stories and the results achieved by CinOs in Italy, thanks to a representative sample of 155 executives with this kind of role, who were consulted through interviews and questionnaires. Some figures on the relevance of the sample involved: taken together, these 155 CinOs manage 4,443 “innovation people”. The companies represented earned €114 billion in revenues in 2018 (50% of Finland’s GDP, more than the whole GDP of Kuwait). The unpublished results of this second phase — which provide a number of confirmations and many surprises — will be presented for the first time on December 16, 2019 during #SIOS19.
  • The presentation of StartupItalia data on investments in Italian startups for the last 12 months, number of rounds, investments, impact on the number of jobs created by the innovation ecosystem.
  • The 100 Best Italian Startups and the Best Italian Startup for 2019, chosen by a jury of 100 experts, will be unveiled.
  • Pegasus Venture will hold the Italian finals of the Startup World Cup during the StartupItalia Open Summit.
  • The presentation of the 2018 AlmaLaurea study on data regarding the growth of female presence within STEM industries. Compared to 15 years ago, 5x more women today get a 3-year graduate degree in STEM disciplines (16,848 3,398 in 2004). Professional work and retributions are where the gender gap begins. 
  • How does the labor market change because of technology? Using tech to our advantage instead of fearing it will be the theme of the meeting with Corrado Passera, founder of Illimity and CEO and former Ministry of the Italian government, and Luciano Floridi, Professor of Information Philosophy and Ethics and Director of the Digital Ethics Lab of the Oxford University.
  • From its main stage, Università Bocconi will open the doors of the Bocconi-B4i incubator.

Check out the complete program here. The whole event will be streamed live by

Attending startups: 4Books, Adabra, Appy Lab, Alfred Network - Pakpobox Europe srl, Affitto Certificato, Aspera 231, Asternomic - TRYITALY, Balzo, Best Umbrellas, Bocconi - B4i, Bravo Savings Network, Cicalia, Cinescouter, Cupsolidale, Manent, Docety, DOCservizi, EATHlon, E-commerce Therapy, ENEGAN - Inspira, ENEGAN - Camillo, Fakebusters, FCRF 1 - Bluebiloba srl, FCRF 2 - Laborplay srl, FCRF 3 - Snap4 srl, FCRF 4 - Quon srl, FCRF 5 - IUF e FRI /SMALL PIXELS, Fivestay Srl, Fragos Media, Grinworld, Hays, Hoopygang Srl, Hubble, Instal, Jeme Bocconi, Keesy,, Labsitters, Looky (Future Care), Lumenidea, Midori, Millionaire, Monrif QN, Legal&DPO point, Open Bar, Oracle, Qaplà RD24, Regas, Roomless, Rokh, ***Seedmoney 4x4, sicilySite, Soccerment Srl, Socialfare, ***Starting Finance 4x4, Street food mobile, TILT -Teorema/innovation Factory, Wait4call (LPE Group Srls), We Content, Whip, Wild Code School, Young Platform, Vidra, Zheroo (Suitelab srls), ICE, ICE -Yakkyo Srl, ICE -Teseo, SEARES,, ANOTHERBRICK.

Technical partner: Italia Startup, Select, Street Food and Mobile, Vino75, 4books, Mirandola Comunicazione and Fluendo. 

Press Office - StartupItalia Open Summit (#SIOS19)
Mirandola Comunicazione

Marisandra Lizzi
Phone: 0524 574708
Mobile phone: 348 3615042

Paola Perfetti
Mobile Phone: 349 6616964  

Caricato il 10/12/2019




  • Tecnologia