

Walty, startup tra le 5 finaliste per il "Premio per l’Impresa" del Premio Gaetano Marzotto - 300.000 euro in denaro e un percorso di affiancamento in Fondazione CUOA del valore di 25.000 euro.


WATLY – purificazione dell’acqua


Watly: a solar water purifier, a power station and a telecommunication device. Watly purifies water from any source of contamination without the use of filters or membranes. It generates electricity off the grid and it allows internet connectivity. Watly is a stand alone machine connected to the internet and to other units of Watlys, to create the Energynet. Watly purifies up to 3 million liters of water per year and it works on solar energy too.Watly generates the very same energy it needs to function. It does not require fuel or a connection to the electric the very same energy it needs to function. It does not require fuel or a connection to the electric grid. Watly efficiently desalinates ocean water, eliminates all pathogens and microorganisms from previously polluted water, including: viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi or cysts. It removes inorganic compounds as well as poisons: arsenic, benzene, heavy metals (such as lead), chlorine, chloramines, and radionuclides. It purifies water from any organic compounds and liquid contents of latrines. It does not need membranes or filter substitutions. It even purifies radioactive water. The physical principle underlying this innovative system is called vapor compression distillation. It is by far the most effective and powerful method of water purification and desalination available.


Architettura, Arredamento e Design
Bulding e Real Estate



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Watly tra i 5 progetti in finale per il “Premio per l’Impresa” 2015

Watly tra i 5 progetti in finale per il “Premio per l’Impresa” 2015 La serata di Premiazione finale si terrà il giorno 26 novembre 2015 a Milano presso UniCredit Pavilion. In avvicinamento alla serata della finale il Premio Marzotto presenta le singole storie dei finalisti.

Ufficio Stampa Premio Gaetano Marzotto



Intervista a Marco Attisani, CEO di Watly, vincitore Premio Corporate Gruppo Santex Rimar

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